Friday 27 February 2015

Organisation for our film

The first thing that our media group decided to do was set up a Facebook group which would enable us to communicate easily. This has helped us many times to tell each other where we are meant to be meeting to film or if we will not make the media lesson/ editing session. All members of our group are on this Facebook chat and we also have each other's email addresses so we can send each other work or information about our film.
Another part of our organisation process was emailing one of the p.e teachers at the main school of our sixth form. This was to see if he would let us use the school's swimming pool to film one of the scenes for our opening film. I wrote this email to him asking the question about when would be best to film and if we were allowed access to the pool. We were allowed to use it and will be filming in there next Monday.
One of the last parts of our organisation process was making sure the lifeguard was available at the same time as we were so we could film in the pool. We went to find the lifeguard in the main school to ask her when she was avaliable. She gave us a copy of her work timetable and also her phone number so we could contact her when we found a day where we were free and she was also. We came to the conclusion that we were both free on Monday the 2nd of March. 

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Editing our opening film

Here we are beginning to edit the shots we have done for our opening film. We have almost finished film as we just have the swimming pool shots and the corridor shot to go, where the protagonist bumps into the antagonist. As soon as we have done the shots we will be putting the whole film together and adding music and effects.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Email- Organisation

This is the email which I sent to the owners/ staff of the Red Lodge museum to see if we could use their garden as it was decorated really nicely and would have gone really well with the atmosphere we were trying to get with our opening film. Unfortunately we were not able to use it due to the museum being shut, however we have managed to do the filming elsewhere in unique landscapes. This shows the organisation skills of our group.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Health and safety issues for our filming.

*Falling down the set of stairs the protagonist had to run down whilst filming.
*Leaning too far over the balcony edge at the top of the multi storey car park.
*Slipping over walking up the steep stairs to the top of the multi storey car park.
*Falling over whilst walking backwards with the camera.
*Slipping over whilst running down the steep stairs as it was icy and cold.
* Falling down a pot hole or slipping in mud at Ashton Court.
*Accidently stabbing myself with the knife we used as a prop when I picked up from the chimney.
*Tripping over the large logs in the woods.
*Drowning in the swimming pool.
*Falling into the pool from the side edge.
*Cutting myself on something sharp at the bottom of the pool.

Audience questionnaire responses

We made our audience questionnaire based on questions which we thought would be most useful to help us understand what people thought of our chosen genre. We gave this questionnaire out to our media class who are all roughly the same age as the people we think will be watching our film. Here are the responses of 3 people out of the 20 replies which we had.

Monday 9 February 2015

List of Props/Costumes needed.

  • A blunt kitchen knife.
  • Fake blood.
  • Protagonist costume- Black jumper, black wet look leggings, black/white shoes.
  • Antagonist costume- Black hoodie, blue jeans, informal shoes.
  • The drug.
  • Protagonist look- Dark eye make up, pale face, hair tied up.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Analysis of our Questionnaire

This shows the details of the answers which we received from our media group who we gave out our questionnaire too.
  • The analysis of our audience feedback affected our planning and decision making process in a number of ways. One way in which it did this was by telling us that our title sequence should be as short as possible as most of our media group picked the shortest amount of time given to them in the questionnaire. We then planned to make sure that the title sequence in our opening film was shorter than 30 seconds. Another way it helped with our decision making was the audience feedback made it clear that the majority of the people whom we were trying to make our film appeal to enjoyed the genre 'physcological thriller'. This helped us to decide to definately use this type of genre for our opening film. The last way in which our target audience affected our planning was the comments from most of our media group that they would prefer it if the antagonist was never shown so they could then imagine what they would look like. We made sure that our anatagonist looked as mysterious as possible by dressing him in a black jacket with the hood up. We tried to show as little of his face as possible to add tension to the film and engage the audience.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Our Continuity Film

This is a link to our continuity task which we uploaded to Youtube. Above shows the link to the preliminary task that we filmed before doing our opening film. This task enabled us to learn about many different shots that we could then use in our film.

Monday 2 February 2015

The places which we will be filming at:
  • The top of a multi storey car park which overlooks the centre of Bristol.
  • Redcliffe sixth form school bathroom.
  • St Mary Redcliffe's school swimming pool.
  • Leigh woods in the City of Bristol.
  • Aston Court.

Conventions and common techniques of a psycho thriller
  • The techniques that are commonly used are plot lines such as waking up from a medical condition, whether that is a coma or amnesia, a car crash or waking up in an unknown location.
  • A convention of a psycho thriller is the adaption and manipulation of the audience through bias narration or a restricted access to the plot.
  • Shutter island is a common feature which uses biased narration and a restricted story to manipulate the audience into believing that the main character is someone who isn't who he makes himself to be.
  • Another common feature is clover field which uses enigma to creating something which builds tension but never actually showing it directly.
  • The setting is a very important element to a Psychological thrillers The two most common locations for a Psychological thriller to be set in is the city and inside a building. E.g. An house jail restaurant. The countryside isn’t as commonly used as it can get confused with a horror film.
  • The antagonist normally wears dark clothing, as s the colour black represents death, mystery and suspicion. The protagonist is the opposite to this as they normally dress in brightly coloured clothing.
  • Low level lighting is commonly used in Psychological thriller as it creates suspicion and tension. In some films it’s used to create shadows which makes the audience feel fear and tension.
  • Mirrors are commonly used in psychological thriller to portray the used of reflections of a characters inner self as well as representing the ‘dark side’ of the character.Props are normally the key aspects in an psychological thriller as they are normally used to create clues that are related to the rest of the film.
  • High tension music or eerie sounds are most commonly used in psychological thrillers. Sometimes however; in complete contrast to this silence is used, this makes the audience tense.
  • The most common shot types that are used in Psychological thrillers are the mid shot and the close up. These are commonly used because it helps the audience relate to the character as they are able to see the emotion and tension on their faces.