Thursday 5 February 2015

Analysis of our Questionnaire

This shows the details of the answers which we received from our media group who we gave out our questionnaire too.
  • The analysis of our audience feedback affected our planning and decision making process in a number of ways. One way in which it did this was by telling us that our title sequence should be as short as possible as most of our media group picked the shortest amount of time given to them in the questionnaire. We then planned to make sure that the title sequence in our opening film was shorter than 30 seconds. Another way it helped with our decision making was the audience feedback made it clear that the majority of the people whom we were trying to make our film appeal to enjoyed the genre 'physcological thriller'. This helped us to decide to definately use this type of genre for our opening film. The last way in which our target audience affected our planning was the comments from most of our media group that they would prefer it if the antagonist was never shown so they could then imagine what they would look like. We made sure that our anatagonist looked as mysterious as possible by dressing him in a black jacket with the hood up. We tried to show as little of his face as possible to add tension to the film and engage the audience.

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