Wednesday 11 February 2015

Health and safety issues for our filming.

*Falling down the set of stairs the protagonist had to run down whilst filming.
*Leaning too far over the balcony edge at the top of the multi storey car park.
*Slipping over walking up the steep stairs to the top of the multi storey car park.
*Falling over whilst walking backwards with the camera.
*Slipping over whilst running down the steep stairs as it was icy and cold.
* Falling down a pot hole or slipping in mud at Ashton Court.
*Accidently stabbing myself with the knife we used as a prop when I picked up from the chimney.
*Tripping over the large logs in the woods.
*Drowning in the swimming pool.
*Falling into the pool from the side edge.
*Cutting myself on something sharp at the bottom of the pool.

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