Friday 20 March 2015

Media Questions- Media evaluation question 4
4. Who would the audience for your media product?

We have made questionnaires and pie charts that have helped us to learn about what members of a 15 audience would want from films.

This 15 year old boy may shop in:

Skater shops.

Indie or hipster shops.

Young stylistic shops.

High street shops such as New Look for men or Topman.

Cheap shops such as Primark for men.

Online independent labels.

This teenager who is the age of our target audience may listen to music such as:

Rock/punk music.

Indie music.

Hip Hop or rap music.

Acoustic music.

Chart music.

Reasons why this teenage boy would watch our film:

It has a lot of tension.

It is fairly gory.

There are quite a few scenes that would leave this sort of viewer on edge.

They could relate to the protagonist and antagonist as they are roughly the same age.

It is thrilling.

It is interesting as you do not know what is going to happen next.

The setting may be familiar to the areas in which this aged boy may hang around.

The taste of this typical 15 year old boy who would be our target audience might be:

Indie/hipster style.

Informal, skater style.

Laid back and chilled settings.

The favourite TV programmes of this typical 15 year old boy:

Top Gear.

Car shows.

Music channel programmes.

Action/reality programmes.

’24 hours in police custody.’


‘Pimp my ride.’

MTV shows.

Audience Feedback after showing our opening film.

These show the questions that we asked to students aged 16-17 after they watched our opening film. Two of the people we interviewed were prototypes of our target audience. One of these was a 17 year old boy. The other two people we decided to interview were not included in our typical target audience as they hadn’t experienced many psycho thrillers, however they were in the age group that we were targeting.

Questions that we asked:

1. How typical of a psychological thriller is our opening film?

2. Were you entertained by our opening scene?

3. Do you understand the plot of our film?

4. What do you think will happen in the end of the film?

5. Do you think we used lighting effectively?

6. Do you think the audio fits the scenario happening?

7. Have you left out any elements of a psycho thriller?

8. What is your favourite shot/angle during the film?

9. Have we done well to fit this genre?

10. Do you think there is anything we could improve on?

First interviewee, Shaunna Rees, 17 year old student

Answers to questions from above:

1. “It wasn’t typical due to the roles of the characters in the film. The setting of the college being included was an untypical feature also.”

2. “Yes I was entertained, it was good."

3.“I think I do understand the plot, the girl is imagining the man because she is on drugs.”

4. “At the end I think she will kill herself or she will die.

5. “I think the lighting was used effectively during the pool scene.”

6. "Yes, the music is intriguing.”

7. "No I don’t think you have left out any elements.”

8. “The knife shot was my favourite. The blood looked realistic enough.”

9. “Yes, the protagonist does seem like she is on drugs.”

10. “The jump into the pool could have been improved.”

Second interviewee- Hannah Heaps, 16 year old student.

Answers to the questions from above:

1.“The film was typical of the genre due to the unexpected actions that the characters were doing.”

2.“Yeah I was entertained because you wonder what is going to happen next.”

3.“I don’t entirely understand the plot of the film as I haven’t watched many psycho thrillers.”

4.“In the end I think at least one person will die, probably the girl and it will be an unnatural death like murder.”

5.“Yeah the lighting is good during the car park scene.”

6.“The audio does fit because it sounds surreal.”

7.“I wouldn’t know what elements you missed as I don’t watch psycho thrillers.”

8.“The shots in the woods are my favourite shots, you can tell a lot of effort has gone into it.”

9.“Yes you have done well to fit the genre because of the settings used.”

10.“To improve you could use more of a variety of music.”

                     Third interviewee- Ejaz Din, 16 year old student.

Answers to the questions above:

1.“It is typical because the film creates suspense.”

2.“Yes I liked the opening, it lead to me asking many questions in my head.”

3.“Yes I definitely understand the plot.”

4.“I think in the end the girl will go crazy because she keeps on seeing someone there even though the guy isn’t real.”

5.“Yeah the lighting was good when he goes into the car park and it darkens when he opens the door. You can tell it’s not a good place to be. Also the shot with the stairs in it, the bricks add a good effect.”

6.“I think the audio is good because it has a continuous tempo.”

7.“Normally in a psycho thriller there is an additional person included that the main character knows, like a side friend.”

8.“My favourite shot is when she turns around and the guy isn’t there anymore, that when I got the plot.”

9.“Yeah the genre fits in well as you have created a real and unreal atmosphere.”

10.“You could improve by adding another person that cares about the protagonist.”

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