Wednesday 4 March 2015

Continuity Exercise Analysis

What went well

  • We were quick and organised. We managed to film the continuity clip within 40 minutes and also cleared up the room before and after and we filmed within thehour time slot.
  • We took to our roles efficiently. We all knew what we were doing and how we were going to do it.
  • We were able to interact and communicate easily with one another so we were able to film almost straight away.
  • Even though one of the camera men were outside the room and the other was inside the room we were all able to know when to start the filming in order to get the right shots.
  • We stuck to the script we made the week before in class. Even though improvisation was easily done during the conversation.
  • We managed to get all of the shots needed in our continuity film in such as shot reverse shot and match on action.
  • We stuck to the 180 degree rule.
  • We were initative and knew when to re-do the clip or add an extra idea to make it look better.
  • We all showed up on time and early, ready to film with our plan and script.

Our difficulties during filming

  • We did not know what room was free at the start of the hour so had to spend time looking for a free classroom and also the key to get the cameras we needed out of the cupboard.
  • We struggled setting the camera's up in the right place and at the right angle to enable the conversation to run smoothly between myself and Beau.
  • We had to do quite a few of the scenes again because we forgot what we had to say or one of us laughed or lost control of our actions in our characters.
  • We had to do the last scene many times because we could not get it to look right or I was not able to stay in control and not laugh.
  • One of our team members was not in during the editing process of our continuity film.
  • We struggled to find a sound clip that went with out film so we then had to spend time making our own sound track.

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