Saturday 14 March 2015

Psychological film trailer analysis- Crush

Film trailer: Crush
Year: 2013
Director: Lucas Till

There are many different sub cultures represented in this film. Adolescents/ youth's are the main age group which is represented in this thriller film. Due to this the class in which they belong to is mostly lower/middle class, the protagonist is of the lower class whilst the antagonist is of the middle class, this is typical of many psychological films. White Americans are the ethnic group which are presented in 'Crush' this is due to the place in which it is suggested that they live in. The female gender is the strongest one represented during this film trailer, this is due to the fact that the protagonist (the stalker) is a woman so it shows her thoughts and actions.

The main elements of Mise-En-Scene have been used effectively throughout this trailer. High key lighting is shown near to the start of the trailer as that is the time before the protagonist becomes a stalker, it is not as intense. Low key lighting is then used continuously during the rest of the trailer to show the depth of the protagonist's thoughts and obsession. The settings which are shown during the trailer for 'Crush' are the typical surroundings of the youth culture. The main settings include parties, a swimming pool, a college, a normal street, a gym, a bedroom and a bathroom. Due to the fact that these settings are typical to the viewers, it increases the audience's interaction with the characters in the film. Water is a key theme of psychological thrillers and this is used frequently within this trailer. Dark colours are the main features worn by the protagonist and antagonist and other characters in the trailer. The antagonist wears red which has the colour connotation of danger, this increases the risk of the antagonist being in a tricky situation. There are props such as a mirrors and letters used during the trailer to show the plot of the film.

The use of the camera throughout this trailer is done to a very high quality. There are many complicated shots used such as match on action during a car crash scene where it switches to the girl getting run over by the car, to the guy driving the car. A tracking shot is used right at the start of the trailer when the camera follows the antagonist running down the street before he bumps into the protagonist. A typical shot of psychological thrillers is an over the shoulder shot, this is used in 'Crush' when the protagonist is looking at herself in the mirror. A medium two shot is used a few times during the trailer when the protagonist and antagonist are shown together. Low angle shots are used during the beginning of the trailer to show that the protagonist is increasingly becoming more important to the film, high angle shots are used during the end of the trailer to show the antagonist when he discovers the truth of the situation, shows that he is now powerless due to the protagonists obsession.

The sound that is used during the trailer for 'Crush' is very upbeat which adds tension during the scenes. The pace is quick which speeds up the action which is taking place until the resolution moment. There are slow sounds also near the start of the trailer to really build the suspense. However, overall, the beat is fairly monotonous so the viewer really feels engaged to the action. The sound is very dreary which creates the right mood for this film genre.

The narration of the trailer for 'Crush' is unrestricted.

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