Friday 20 March 2015

Media questions

7. ‘Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?’
  • The concept of cutting out the clips that were not needed to make a smooth run between shots.
  • Finding a sound that fit in with our preliminary task was very difficult, we had to make our own in the end from garage band. For our opening film we have now found some music that is not copyrighted which we will incorporate into our film.
  • We learnt what effects looked good with the atmosphere of the room. This has enabled us to easily pick the right effect for the shots we have already filmed for our opening film.
  • We now know how to create continuity between clips by ensuring that we place the shots we take separately in the right places.

  • We learnt from our preliminary task that to get the right effect of certain shots such as shot reverse shot two cameras are needed to film with. We made sure that we took two cameras out when we went filming for our opening film.

  • We learnt to make sure that each cameraman communicated with one another to ensure that we got the shots we needed/ they were filming at the right time.

  • We found out from the preliminary task the shots that looked good and were really effective when watching it back and seeing the action. We have therefore cooperated some of the shots from that task into our opening film.

  • During our continuity exercise there were a few occasions where the cameramen were accidently in the shot or other objects were without us wanting them to be. From these mistakes we have learnt to make sure the camera is only focusing on the things that we want it to and nothing else is in the background that we don’t want during our opening film.



Shots from our main task:
The shot types which we used in our opening film were close up’s when the protagonist was taking the drug, over the shoulder shot when the protagonist is in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror and also when the protagonist and antagonist bump into one another in the corridor, a long shot when the antagonist is walking through the woods and also through the fields, a low angle shot when the antagonist is standing behind the protagonist in the car park, we used match on action in our opening film also, this was when the protagonist and antagonist are on the car park and then suddenly the protagonist looks behind her and the antagonist is gone.
 We used a handheld camera throughout most of our film. This meant that the camera movements were quite frequent as we made sure the camera was slowly following the action and changes in shots. We made sure that are film also showed continuity like our preliminary task by filming in the exact same place and time without the actors moving but just moving the camera to different angles. We also used the 180 degree rule in our main task by switching between two cameras for certain shots and maintain the same line of action for the camera movement.
The editing techniques for our film consisted of lowering the lighting on certain scenes to add a more cynical effect to match what was actually happening. We also added fillers to make certain shots really stand out and create different effects with the lighting. We also added sound effects to the majority of the film and different sound effects for switch of the black screens between scenes.

We used a range of techniques for our opening film. These mostly consisted of trying to focus the camera on the main parts which we did by steading the filming process and also the technique of filming underwater which consisted of us having to get the shots right the first time as the protagonist and antagonist would look different throughout the time spent in the water.

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