Friday 20 March 2015

Media Questions- Media evaluation question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our film is a gritty British art-house style film. This is due to the fact that it has a low budget and it would appeal to the sort of audiences who are attracted to this style of film making.


Director of our film- Richard Ayoade: Director of “The double” and English comedian, writer and TV presenter.


The Protagonist- Maisie Williams: English actress, best known for her role in the series ‘Game of thrones.’

The antagonist- Evan Peters: American actor, made his debut in the drama film ‘Clipping Adam.’

Budget- $5 million. Quite a low budget film.

Production company- Film4. They do quite a lot of films which are underrated, do not always show the Hollywood blockbusters.

The distribution company for our film would be ‘Artisan Entertainment’. They distributed the film ‘Requiem for a dream’ which is the film that is most similar to ours. This is due to the fact that is also of the Psychological thriller genre and shows the protagonist on drugs, which is what our protagonist is shown doing also. We would have the UK look but with the US budget.

For the marketing campaign of our film we decided to take inspiration from the marketing of the film ‘Blair Witch project.’ We would put up posters around the big cities such as Bristol and London of the antagonist of our film to say that he is missing. This would raise the audience’s awareness of our film and would also led them into thinking the reason as to why he may be missing, which watching our film would then explain. We would also show our films at film festivals as this is where our target audience is mostly likely to go, therefore we would be able to attract them into the campaign of our film by showing it to them in this kind of setting. We would also do buy one get one free tickets for the first weekend of the preview of our film. This would ensure a good turnout of the student audience which we are targeting. Our film would be most likely to win a BAFTA award, as it is not the sort of mainstream film that everyone would decide to go and watch, it is much more creative and has to be well thought about to understand entirely. Our film would be released in late autumn as we feel this would be the best time for people to go to the cinema as summer would be over and the weather will start to get worst. Also many teenagers would have just finished going to festivals and would be in need of relaxing at the cinema.

Our film would be shown at Art house/ independent cinemas due to the complexity of the ideas behind it and the artistic approach.

The unusual idea which we had about the marketing of our film would be to show it in the woods where we filmed one of our scenes. This would mean that the audience would feel more connected with our film and therefore more interested in the events which take place. The fact that they would be watching it in the actual setting would be a great marketing strategy for our film. We would project it onto a white screen during sunset in Leigh Woods in Bristol and publicise this a month or so beforehand.

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