Wednesday 4 March 2015

End of filming

Today we finished filming our opening scene. Since putting all of the different clips we filmed together and editing them we realised that we wanted to re-film one part of it to make the continuity run more smoothly. This clip was the one where the protagonist and antagonist meet in the corridor after the protagonist has taken the 'drug'. The protagonist then decides to follow the antagonist on her trip. The time where we previously filmed this clip, you could tell where the camera had moved too and the different places in which the actors had moved also. This created a lack of continuity because the shots looked jumpy instead of fitting together. After we re-filmed this scene the shots looked much better as we decided to only use one piece of technology to film this part so it did not show much of the movement of the camera and the cameraman. We also made sure that the antagonist and the protagonist stopped in the position where they meet and stayed still so the cameraman could change angles and still get the actors in the same place. Today we also filmed the part where the antagonist enters through a door into the swimming pool room which is one of the places the protagonist see's in her trip. After filming this clip and re-filming the corridor scene we have now finished our opening scene. Now we will be editing the film and making any changes to the shot sequence if necessary.

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