Friday 20 March 2015

Media Questions- Media evaluation question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

·        The social groups which are presented in our film opening are teenagers, drug users, emo’s and hipsters. The age of these social groups are most likely to be around 15 to 25. Their race is likely to be White British or American. These social groups are mostly presented as lower class individuals. The gender of these social groups is mostly men with slight exceptions for women.

·        The similarities between Seymour Parrish and the protagonist in our film is the fact that they both share the same message; they are interested in another person, to the extent where they want to stalk the other person to find out more about them. They share the same values, somebody to be around to stop the loneliness and time; they value time because that allows them to become closer to that person that they so desperately want to be around. Both protagonists in our film and ‘One hour photo’ represent insanity, they are both away with their thoughts and do not tend to see things how they really are, or what they are doing as something that is not normal.

·        The appearance of our protagonist and Seymour Parrish is very different as our protagonist is female and Seymour is male. Therefore they look very different as they are different genders.

·        The costumes of our protagonist and ‘One hour photo’s’ protagonist are very different also. This is because our protagonist wears dark black clothing which very much emphasises that she is in her teenage years and going through the experimental stage. However Seymour is shown in his work clothes throughout most of the film which highlights the fact that he is a grown man and should not have this obsession with other people’s lives, therefore this makes him less socially acceptable.

·        Our protagonist and Seymour Parrish have a similar role in both films. This is due to the fact that that our protagonist plays the stalker and so does Seymour. Both characters do not make it necessarily obvious to the antagonist that they are stalking them to this extent as they do not show what they want to do in the end. Both characters are intrigued to find out more about the person which they decide to follow.

·        We chose to use this type of character because it fitted in really well with the genre of our film. Most psychological thrillers include characters that are stalkers, menaced women or innocent victims. Our protagonist comes under most of these definitions of typical phsyco thriller characters. This is because she chooses to stalk somebody else, she is troubled because of the fact that she is on drugs and shows a slight trace of being an innocent victim as she is struggling with loneliness and becoming an outcast.

·        We tried to create these particular messages and values because we thought that our target audience would be able to relate to how the protagonist was feeling in certain ways. This is due to the fact that the protagonist herself is a teenager and the audience we are trying to target are teenagers also.

·        We also chose to present our character in this way to build tension because if you just looked at our protagonist in the way which we have showed her you would not imagine what she could be capable of. This is why it is such a surprise to our audience at the end of the film when they see the real ideas and thoughts which our protagonist has.

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